Europe’s Leading Whistleblowing Software!

Digitize and simplify your processes for managing whistleblower reports and other ethical code violations. Take the first step toward greater transparency and trust in your organization today.

INTEGRITY LINE is a secure and confidential whistleblowing system that allows your employees and third parties to report irregularities such as corruption, abuse of power, discrimination, and harassment before they turn to external institutions or media.

By choosing INTEGRITY LINE, you show your employees and stakeholders that their voices matter.

INTEGRITY LINE is a customizable whistleblowing software that helps you fully comply with the EU Whistleblower Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

With INTEGRITY LINE, you can:

  • Report irregularities anonymously: Your identity will remain confidential, enabling you to voice concerns without fear of retaliation.
  • Shed light on problems: Whether it’s misconduct, fraud, harassment, or ethical violations, your report helps resolve issues quickly and maintain a safe and ethical workplace.
  • Foster positive change: Your reports are invaluable for identifying areas of improvement and strengthening commitment to ethical business practices.

Did you know?

The highest number of reports (53%) is submitted through anonymous web applications.

Source: ACFE (2024) Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations

Need support with your whistleblowing system?

Contact us today to learn how we can help!