In today’s dynamic business environment, it is essential to ensure that your organization fosters integrity at all levels. Integrity is a cornerstone of successful business operations, contributing to building trust, strengthening reputation, and ensuring long-term sustainability.
By collaborating with our experts, your organization will:
- Identify the key values and principles of integrity that will shape your organizational culture.
- Develop clear guidelines, policies, and procedures that promote integrity and responsible behavior in all business activities.
- Implement educational programs and training to raise employee awareness of the importance of integrity and ethical business practices.
- Establish mechanisms to monitor and verify compliance with ethical standards and encourage feedback and open communication about integrity.
Our goal is to create a compliance culture that permeates every aspect of your business, from daily operations to strategic decisions, positioning you as a leader in integrity and high ethical standards.
As a partner of the Barrett Values Centre, CODUPO utilizes the BARRETT MODEL™ for assessing, developing, and building organizational culture.
The Barrett Model, developed by Richard Barrett, is a revolutionary framework inspired by Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and tested for over two decades across thousands of organizations worldwide.
The model identifies seven areas that encompass human motivations, ranging from basic survival at the lower end to service and care for future generations at the upper end.
The model provides a proven and highly effective framework for understanding the values of your employees, leaders, and other stakeholders. It also serves as a tool for fostering productive relationships and aligning organizational and personal values with the purpose of your organization.
Source: Barrett Values Centre
Types of Assessments We Offer:
- Cultural Values Assessment (CVA)
- Leadership Values Assessment (LVA)
- Individual Values Assessment (IVA)
- Personal Values Assessment (PVA)
Using Barrett Analytics and Culture Assessments, CODUPO offers sophisticated measurement tools to identify the key indicators of your organizational culture, employees, and leaders.
Developing Organizational Values
Why focus on values?
Because building your optimal organizational culture starts with understanding the values that inspire it. These values—whether conscious or unconscious—motivate every decision and action.
Focusing on values allows us to observe and interpret the foundations of behavior. As a result, we can create a clear and precise picture of your organization’s current and future development.
In fact, values are so critical to the growth of your organization that they are often the leading indicators of potential problem areas.
Source: Barrett Values Centre
CODUPO can help you create and develop your unique organizational values.
Contact us
Aligning Values, Mission, and Vision with Organizational Culture
Values, mission, and vision form the identity or character of an organization, determining how it presents itself, operates, and the impression it leaves on the public. Only alignment between identity (“what the organization is”) and image (“what the organization wants to be”) leads to a positive reputation.
Are you ready to build a Compliance Culture and an Integrity Culture that reflects the best practices in the industry and positions you as a leader in your field?
Contact us today to begin shaping your culture using Richard Barrett’s model.